
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Peringatan Maulid Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW 1432 H

Cempaka Baru Subdistrict.


Hari ini, 11 Maret 2011, dilaksanakan Peringatan Maulid Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW 1432 H di lingkungan RW 09 Kelurahan Cempaka Baru, Jakarta Pusat. Sebagai penceramah dalam acara itu ialah Ustadz H. Taufiqurrahman.

Today, March 11, 2011, there was Celebration of  Prophet Muhammad SAW Maulid (Birthday) 1432 H in RW 09 Cempaka Baru, Central Jakarta. The preacher in the celebratiion was Ust Taufiqurrahman.

Dalam ceramah yang disampaikan oleh Ustadz Taufiq ialah tentang keutamaan Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, yang antara lain dikatakan :

The follwoing are what ust Taufiq told to the people :

1. Mulya dari segi nama. (His name is the most respected name in the world)
- Allah SWT selalu menyebut beliau Rasulullah. Dengan sebutan itu, terbukti bahwa Rasulullah Muhammad SAW sangat istimewa bagi Allah SWT. (Allah SWT always calls his name by Rasulullah. It is a prove that Rasullah Nuhammad SAW is very special for Allah SWT).

2. Dari segi fisik dan rohani. (His physical and soul condition)
- Fisik dan rohani beliau sangat terjaga. (His physic and soul are well maintained)

3. Kedermawanan beliau yang selalu memberi tanpa diminta.
(His charity, he always gives something without being asked)

4. Tidak egois. (He is not egois)

5. Keikhlasan dan keredlaan beliau. (His ikhlas and redla)

The following are the photos : 

The audiences / hadirin
The audiences / hadirin
Hadroh team / tim hadroh
the audiences / hadirin
the audiences / hadirin
the audiences / hadirin

Qosidah Team of RW 09 / Tim qosidah RW 09
Qosidah Team of RW 09 / Tim qosidah RW 09
Qosidah Team of RW 09 / Tim qosidah RW 09
Bu Ketua RT 12 RW 09

Mr. Sumarman, SE the chair person of RW 09 / Pak Sumarman, SE ketua RW 09
Mr Buthanudin, S.Sos the chair person of Cempaka Baru subdistrict
H. Ade
Foto-foto berikut adalah suasana saat pembacaan sholawat Nabi, para peserta berdiri dengan khidmat. (The following photos are the situation when sholawat, the audieces stood up)

The following are the photos of ustadz Taufiqurrahman when he was giving preach.

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